Sunday, January 19, 2014

Know That Allah Never Gets Tired of Giving and Forgiving.

Hey, wait..

There's still hope, and you know in your heart there is still hope.

No matter what problem you are facing right now, no matter how painful or hard it is, you know there is hope for a better tomorrow, because you know in your heart, that Allah Azza Wa Jalla does not burden a soul more than it can bear.

Sometimes we face challanges and tests in our lives that seem impossible to be solved or withstand at, but Alhamdulillah..we always find Allah Azza Wa Jalla at our side. It's just sometimes we tend not to recognize what we always had, and that is Allah being with us, in every step we make.. Subhanallah..

There is no luck in life, everything happens through His Will, the Qadr of Allah. If a bullet shot for you was to pass by you, it is no luck but His Qadr.

In life, we stumble, we fall and then we should get up and started again. Failure is not a reason for us to turn away from Him, rather a portal that we should get into so we could understand His Qadr and learn to accept reality and deal with it, it is a doorway closer to Him, if only we had a heart that accepts every failure that this life throws at us.

Sometimes all we have to do is just ask, ask of Him, in our prayers.

Its fascinating how when we have all the sources in this world, we tend to forget who was the One who Willed for us to have that sources, who has Provided that sources for us, and yet when a calamity, a test, a hardship comes at us and all these sources slowly fades, taken away from us, then we slowly regard, recognize and remember Him, why?

Why does the heart get blinded with so much luxuries of this world that it can't see no more? How can a heart stay clean when it remembers not even the words Alhamdulillah?

My brothers and sisters in Islam, I come again to you, asking you and telling you that there is hope for each and everyone of us, we can always repent and if anything we can always change to the better us, as long as we sincerely call upon Him, Allah Azza Wa Jalla will forgive us, because He is Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Rahim and guide us because He is Al-Haadi as well.

He says:
"Call upon me, I will respond to you." [40:60]

So why can't call upon Him? Is it because you think you have sinned too much? Is it not more shameful that He whom you displease everyday of your life, call upon you 5 times a day and you just turn your back on Him? Is that not more shameful?

We are weak, we will make mistakes, no one is perfect, no son of Adam a.s. has not committed a sin. So how come we are not ashamed on committing sins yet ashamed on asking forgiveness from Him?

Listen, the prayer is a gift from Allah. It is the best method of showing gratitude and asking forgiveness from Him.

Learn to fill you heart with much gratitude for Allah, make your eyes see what is better and what is right, let your ears hear no evil but hear only what is haqq and let not your tongue utter a word of disrespect to others or defamation to anyone rather let is speak of what your religion says, of what is good and what is better and let it be sealed in silence at times when anger emerges in and from you.

Indeed, a heart of a believer never gets tired of asking and repenting for it knows that His Lord never gets tired of giving and forgiving.

So, don't give up yet.

You're a Muslim, we don't give up.

We accept, face and deal with every hardship and test this life throws at us, with complete obedience, patience and tolerance for the sake of Allah Azza Wa Jalla..

Source: Story of the Sahabah (tumblr)
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